Our Team

The Brains behind the Hub

Our Team Leader

Associate Professor Joyce Siette

Founder   |   Brain Health Hub
Western Sydney University

Team Leader, Research Theme SENIOR Fellow,
THE MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development

With a wealth of experience spanning over a decade in aged care, psychology, public health, and digital health, Associate Professor Joyce Siette brings a unique perspective to her research.

Joyce’s passion lies in translating research outcomes into tangible solutions that can truly transform the lives of individuals with dementia and their caregivers.

This commitment to making a positive impact has gained recognition, with accolades including:

  • 2020 Bupa Emerging Health Researcher Commendation Award
  • 2021 Future of Ageing Awards (Research Category) Winner
  • 2022 Research Impact Winner, MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University
  • 2023 Vice Chancellor’s Excellence Award for Excellence as an Early Career Researcher
  • 2024 Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Enterprise & Global) Award for Excellence in Research Leadership and Development

University Partners

Community and Organisation Partners

National Partners

Dr Alan McPhail

Consumer Advisor | Western Sydney University

Dr Alan McPhail is a is a community representative at Concord Hospital, Sydney Local Health District (SLHD), Sydney Health Partners (SHP) and the Institute of Precision Medicine and Bioinformatics.

His interests lie in Consumer and Community Involvement (CCI) in Research. He was CoChair of the SLHD Committee developing and publishing 6 essentials necessary for successful CCI implementation. Alan continues to advise on its implementation in his role as Co-Chair of the SLHD Research Consumer Reference Group.

Breanna Wright

Project associate   |   Western Sydney University

Breanna is a Research Fellow at BehaviourWorks and Co-Director of Health and Social Portfolio.

She has experience in analysing cross-cultural differences in health systems and health-care usage, focusing on accessibility, barriers, longitudinal behavioural patterns, and policy implications.

A/Prof Carolyn Ee

General Practitioner   |   Western Sydney University

Dr Carolyn Ee is a General Practitioner and Associate Professor at Western Sydney University. She is a leader in primary care chronic disease management and has experience conducting research in culturally and linguistically diverse populations and in translational health and health services research.

She hold several senior leadership roles nationally including Survivorship Research Co-Lead and Scientific Committee Member, Cancer Australia Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials group (PC4tg); Deputy Chair, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Specific Interest Faculty; and Member, RACGP Expert Committee – Research.

Dr Carly Johnco

Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist   |   Macquarie University

Dr Carly Johnco is a Macquarie University Research Fellow and a registered Clinical Psychologist.

She completed her PhD and Masters of Clinical Psychology at Macquarie University in 2014, followed by two postdoctoral fellowships at the University of South Florida, Florida and at Macquarie University before beginning her Macquarie University Research Fellowship. 

Her research is focused on understanding the cognitive and environmental mechanisms that underpin anxiety (and related disorders) in childhood and older age, and whether these factors impact on the efficacy of existing treatments. These interests include how fear, learning, cognition, attention and memory impact the development, maintenance and treatment of anxiety problems.

A/Prof Celia Harris

Western Sydney University

Celia completed her PhD at the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, in 2010. In her PhD research, she studied ways of extending laboratory paradigms to study social aspects of memory in ecologically valid ways.

Celia’s research focuses broadly on memory, and particularly on autobiographical memory – memory for life events. She is interested in how memory retrieval can be supported by the external environment, including tools, technologies, and social interaction.

Celia wants to better understand memory retrieval processes so that we can develop new ways of making remembering easier.

A/Prof Danielle NĂ­ ChrĂłinin

Western Sydney University

Associate Professor Danielle NĂ­ ChrĂłinĂ­n is a Consultant Geriatrician and Director of aged care research, Liverpool Hospital, and a Conjoint Associate Professor with UNSW Medicine.

She holds dual fellowships in Geriatric and General Medicine, with 15+ years experience in clinical and academic geriatric medicine in Australia and Ireland.

Prof Deborah Richards

Macquarie University

Professor Deborah Richards is a Professor with the School of Computing in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Macquarie University.

She is currently the school’s Industry and External Relations Director and Program Leader for the Information Systems and Business Analysis Major and previously the Business Information Systems major.

Dr Diana Karamacoska

Western Sydney University

Dr Diana Karamacoska is a cognitive neuroscientist researching the use of lifestyle and complementary therapies to improve or maintain brain health.  In 2019, she was awarded her PhD in Psychology with Examiners’ Commendations for her work exploring the neuronal mechanisms of attention, cognition, and behaviour. 

She is now undertaking a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NICM Health Research Institute, and runs Australia’s largest clinical trial for vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease mixed with cerebrovascular disease. 

Diana is interested in understanding how lifestyle interventions (physical activity, diet, education), herbal medicines, and alternative therapies affect neurocognitive functioning.  She is passionate about connecting people with research opportunities and raising awareness for disease prevention, risk reduction, and strategies to improve quality of life and care.

A/Prof Erin Mackenzie

Western Sydney University

Erin Mackenzie is a Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology and STEM in the School of Education, Director of Academic Program of the Postgraduate Specialist Studies program, and a researcher in the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University.

She has experience teaching in secondary schools, TAFE, and university settings. Erin currently lectures in educational psychology, secondary science pedagogy, and STEM education, working with both pre- and in-service secondary teachers. Erin’s research interests include adolescent online interactions, coping, and the role of psychological and social factors in adolescent girls’ participation in STEM.

She is a co-author of Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching (7th Edition).

Prof Freya MacMillan

Western Sydney University

Prof Freya MacMillan is the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor Research at Western Sydney University.

Freya is a lifestyle behaviour change intervention expert. She uses her community engagement, mixed-methods and implementation science expertise to develop, evaluate, and translate lifestyle interventions into sustainable practice for the prevention of diabetes and promotion of health and wellbeing.

A/Prof MacMillan has strong expertise in combining qualitative and quantitative research methods to guide intervention development and for comprehensive and rigorous evaluatio

A/Prof Genevieve Steiner-Lim

Western Sydney University

A/Prof Genevieve Steiner is a cognitive neuroscientist and her research spans the early detection, prevention, and treatment of memory and thinking problems in older people with the aim of reducing dementia risk and improving quality of life.  The research that A/Prof Steiner and her team conducts examines changes in the brain’s function and structure to discover biomarkers for dementia and test novel therapeutics that can provide early intervention. 

A/Prof Steiner is Director of Research at the NICM Health Research Institute where she leads the NICM Neurocognition and HEADBOX Lab, she is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow and Co-Director of the Age and Ageing Clinical Academic Group for the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research, and Enterprise (SPHERE).

Prof Greg Savage

Macquarie Health

Professor Greg Savage has been Neuropsychology Clinical Discipline Head with MQ Health since 2016. His research interests are broad in scope, but many projects have a unifying theme in terms of developing theoretically-informed tests of memory.

Another theme focuses on early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (mainly through his role as Co-Leader of the Clinical and Cognitive Stream in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers & Lifestyle [AIBL] Study of Ageing).

Recently he has focused on understanding the impact of hearing loss on cognition, and particularly, how hearing loss relates to the risk of developing dementia.

Ivan Wong

Consumer Advisor | Western Sydney University

Ivan is the General Manager for Community Services Directorate for Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS).

CASS was established in 1981 with an aim to provide services to the community. Ivan is keen to support health and mental health research programs for their clients.

Dr Hazel Maxwell

Western Sydney University

Dr Hazel Maxwell is the Director of Academic Programs for Health, Physical Education and Sport Development at Western Sydney University.

Her research and teaching focuses on physical activity, community sport, social inclusion and diversity management. She has been exploring social capital and diversity in non-for-profit organisations in sport and health promotion contexts.

Most recently she has been investigating the sporting experiences of Indigenous women in Australia using a strengths-based approach.

A/Prof Jed Montayre

Western Sydney University

Jed is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and Director of the Centre of Evidence-based Practice for Healthcare Policy.

Jed has a strong clinical background in gerontology and medical-surgical nursing. He is an experienced nurse academic, who has worked in the Philippines, New Zealand and Australia. Jed’s teaching areas include gerontology and aged care nursing.

Jed’s research focuses on age-friendly communities, ageing and health, cardiovascular health of migrant populations, nursing policy and workforce issues.

Josette Bechara

Consumer Advisor | Western Sydney University

Josette is the Community Service and Development Manager at Arab Council Australia.

Based in Western Sydney, the Arab Council networks widely and works in partnership with government, non-government and other structures. She is part of a team that provides and facilitates research, and educational projects, and information on areas of need in Arabic-speaking communities, acts as a consultative and advocacy representative to government and non-government agencies on issues affecting Arabic-speaking communities and encourage cultural sensitivity, awareness and diversity in Australian communities.

Prof Kaarin Anstey

Project Advisor   |   Macquarie University

Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Director of the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute. 

Her research programs focus on the causes, consequences and prevention of cognitive ageing, and dementia. She has developed risk assessment tools interventions to reduce risk of cognitive decline and dementia and conducted epidemiological and data synthesis projects.

Dr Karla Seaman

Macquarie University

Dr Seaman is an experienced pharmacist and health services research fellow in the Aged Care Evaluation and Research Team at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University. She has expertise in linked administrative data, mixed methods, evaluation, and stakeholder research projects. She has worked across a variety of health sectors including leading and coordinating research for a non-for-profit organisation, hospitals and within the community.

She focuses primarily on translation research in the areas of aged care, older adults, disability, medication utilisation and policy with an emphasis on dementia, acquired brain injury and consumer involvement.

Dr Kiran Ijaz

deakin university

Kiran is a Human-Computer Interaction Research Fellow and lecturer at Deakin University.

She has a background in Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Human-Computer Interaction. Her specific research interests are to design, develop, and evaluate novel health technologies.

Currently, she investigates immersive VR, serious games and Human-AI interaction to support both physical and mental wellbeing.  Her work has acclaimed both teaching and research awards.

Dr Kristiana Ludlow

University of Queensland

Dr Kristiana Ludlow is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Queensland, and an Honorary Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University. She completed her Bachelor of Psychology with first class Honours in 2015, her Master of Research in Medicine and Health Sciences in 2017, and her PhD in Health Innovation in 2020.

Dr Ludlow has expertise in co-design, qualitative research and Q methodology. Her research interests include co-designing interventions and digital health tools with end-users, frailty, aged care, person-centred care, the role of family caregivers in care, missed care/unfinished care, and care prioritisation.

She is passionate about collaborating with consumers, service users and health professionals to improve the delivery of healthcare and mental health services.

Prof Lee-Fay Low

Project Advisor &nbsp |   University of Sydney

Lee-Fay Low is a Professor at University of Sydney. Her main areas of research are in dementia and ageing, home and residential aged care particularly practice and culture change, rehabilitation for dementia, dementia literacy and stigma, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

She particularly interested in developing and evaluating interventions and knowledge implementation strategies to improve the life experience of older people. I have expertise in epidemiology, systematic reviews, clustered randomised trials and translation of research into practice.

Ms Meredith Porte

Macquarie University

Meredith is a research assistant and computer programmer with over 10 years of experience working at Macquarie University on Virtual Reality, Game Engine technology, and Web-based projects.

A/Prof Michelle Catanzaro

Western Sydney University

Michelle is an Associate Professor in Design, Visual Communication within the School of Humanities and Communication Arts and has taught widely across the Design program.

Michelle is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Young and Resilient Research Centre. Drawing on her practical industry experience, her work is outcome driven, with a focus on creating innovative approaches to engage and connect with young people, industry and the broader community.

Dr Paul Strutt

Western Sydney University

Dr Paul Strutt is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Cognitive Science at Macquarie University, and a Clinical Neuropsychologist working for NSW Health and in private practice.

His clinical and research interests are in the early detection and prevention of cognitive decline and dementia, as well as assessment and rehabilitation following acquired brain injury.

Prof Piers Dawes

The University of Queensland

Professor Dawes’ research concerns understanding causes and impacts of hearing impairment, particularly in the context of multimorbidity in older age, prevention and treatment of hearing impairment, and hearing service development and evaluation.

His research involves epidemiological modelling with population data sets, clinical trials and hearing health policy.

He has authored over 130 publications in peer reviewed journals and books, and he frequently presents invited and keynote addresses at international conferences.

A/Prof Quang Vinh Nguyen

Western Sydney University

Dr Vinh is an Associate Professor in Visual Analytics and The Director of Academic Program – Postgraduate ICT at the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University.

His research areas are in Visual Analytics and Information Visualization, including:

  • Medical Data Analysis
  • Graph and Network Analysis
  • Graph Drawing
  • Applications with Visualization and Visual Analytics
  • Visual Collaborative System
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • and related research areas.
Dr Rachael Jacobs

Western Sydney University

Rachael Jacobs is a lecturer in Creative Arts Education at Western Sydney University and a former secondary teacher (Dance, Drama and Music) and primary Arts specialist. Her research interests include assessment in the arts, language acquisition through the arts and decolonised approaches to embodied learning.

Her PhD focussed on creativity in assessment. Rachael has facilitated arts projects in community settings all over Australia, including in refugee communities, in prisons and in women’s refuges.

Rachael is a community activist, freelance writer, aerial arts instructor, dancer and choreographer.

Adj A/Prof Rebecca Haddock

Western Sydney University

Adj Associate Professor Rebecca Haddock is an internationally recognised academic researcher with over 15 years experience across the university, government, and non-government health and science sectors as a scientist, scientific evaluator, project manager, strategic policy advisor, and health policy intermediary.

Rebecca is known for her leadership and strategic engagement skills which underpin her ability to translate health research and deliver independent advice on health systems issues to government and industry stakeholders.

She is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Institute for Health Transformation, Faculty of Health, Deakin University; and a Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology.

Renee Traynor

Consumer Advisor   |   Western Sydney University

Renee is an experienced Community Development Leader in a culturally diverse community with a genuine passion for building the capacity and resilience of the community.

Leading a team who work within diverse community portfolios, she has also inspired colleagues to develop their own initiatives that support the community such as a First Nations Youth Group, the Canterbury-Bankstown Dementia Alliance and an Active Seniors program.

Rose Mery (Bou Merhy)

Western Sydney University

Rose Mery has a Bachelor’s Honours and Master’s degree in Psychomotor Therapy and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and brings a comprehensive understanding of cognitive function, brain-body interaction and neuroplasticity to the team.

With over four years of clinical experience as a Psychomotor Therapist, she has worked with different age ranges, from early intervention to the elderly. She is currently undertaking a PhD at WSU, where her project focuses on enhancing memory and executive function, particularly among individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Rose Mery has a Lebanese background and fluency in English, Arabic, and French. She is passionate about promoting brain health awareness in the Western Sydney area and making valuable information accessible to diverse populations.

Dr Sandra Garrido

Western Sydney University

Dr Sandra Garrido has a background in both music and psychology and her research focuses on arts-based programs for social and emotional wellbeing.

She also has expertise in co-design and participatory research frameworks. Sandra has co-developed a set of evidence-based guidelines for music use with people with dementia and an online training program for aged care staff.

Her experimental research into the effect of music listening in young people with depression has led to the co-design and development of a smart phone application.

Sandra-Loyola Sandoval

Consumer Adisior   |   Western Sydney University

Sandra is the Community Development Officer for Ageing at Canterbury Bankstown Council.

A key part of her role is creating a dementia friendly community through the Canterbury-Bankstown Dementia Alliance which aims to increase understanding and awareness of dementia that is inclusive and welcoming to people living with dementia and their family and carers.

Prof Sue Hespos

Western Sydney University

Susan Hespos is Professor of Infant Studies at MARCS at Western Sydney University and a Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, USA. She leads a research program on understanding our earliest evidence of cognitive capacities in infancy and what changes over development.

Dr Suraj Samtani

University of New South Wales

Dr Samtani is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing at University of New South Wales. He is the Study Coordinator for the SHARED (Social Health And Reserve in the Dementia patient journey) project. The SHARED project is an international collaboration designed to study how social, biological and psychological factors interact to predict the onset and course of dementia across the lifespan.

He obtained his PhD in Clinical Psychology and Master of Psychology (Clinical) from UNSW. His PhD research focused on the assessment and treatment of cognitive processes such as rumination and worry across disorders. He has worked extensively in clinical practice treating a wide range of conditions across the lifespan.

Theresa Flavin

Consumer Advisor | Western Sydney University

Theresa is a dementia advocate based in South-Western Sydney. Since 2011, she has committed herself to advocacy, participation and active involvement in research to improve the dementia care experience.

Through her dementia consulting and advocacy work she aims to improve Human Rights, Dignity, and Inclusion of people living with dementia.

Theresa has participated in a number of research projects in different capacities, ranging from being the research subject, to being an Associate Investigator and active member on research advisory committees.

Tuan Bui

Consumer Advisor | Western Sydney University

Tuan has had various roles as a project manager, and coordinator in International Social Services and is experienced in the design, planning and implementation of projects that align with the needs of consumers to facilitate effective community engagement and knowledge translation.

He has worked with the Vietnamese community and at the Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association for many years.

Dr Van Tran

Western Sydney University

Dr Van Tran is bilingual linguist and researcher specialising in multilingual education.

She has been teaching English language and linguistics, translation and interpreting, and language education at University of Wollongong, Western Sydney University, and Charles Sturt University.

She’s also a NAATI-accredited translator and president of VietSchool, a Vietnamese community language school. Dr Tran hosts SBS Vietnamese’s weekly show focused on maintaining home language among families with Vietnamese heritage.

Prof Viviana Wuthrich

Macquarie University

Professor Viviana Wuthrich is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the School of Psychological Sciences, Macquarie University.

She is the Director of the Centre for Ageing, Cognition and Wellbeing at Macquarie University. Her research focuses on understanding the underlying mechanisms of anxiety and depression, and on the psychological treatment of these disorders in children, adolescents and older adults

She has developed a number of psychological interventions for children, adolescents and older adults through randomised controlled trials.

Dr Wei Liu

Western Sydney University

Dr Wei Liu completed her PhD in Education at Western Sydney University in 2019. Her research interests focus on understanding how multilingual research students, educators, and researchers use multilingualism in their everyday research lives.

She is currently a research officer at Western Sydney University and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT). She has also been teaching Chinese as an additional language to primary school students and adults in university settings.

As a first-generation immigrant, recently she has been working as a translator (Chinese and English) and researcher for research projects that address the well-being of the Chinese community in Australia.

International Collaborators

Prof Chris Armitage

University of ManchesteR

Professor Christopher Armitage is a Health Psychologist registered with the UK Health and Care Professions Council, a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and Director of Research at the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Manchester.

He uses psychological theory and evidence to develop effective behaviour change interventions in multiple behaviours and among diverse populations. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles on these topics and has received funding to support this research from numerous sources, including the European Union and several of the UK’s Research and Innovation Councils.

Dr Irene Heger

Maastricht University

Ms Irene Heger is a Research Fellow at the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience and the Alzheimer Center Limburg, at Maastricht University (the Netherlands).

She is a trained psychologist with a background in medical psychology. Her PhD project is focused on raising public awareness of modifiable risk and protective factors for cognitive decline and dementia. The main focus of her project is the development and evaluation of a public health campaign, aimed at increasing awareness of dementia risk reduction in the general population.

Part of the campaign was the MijnBreincoach online platform, which gives people insight into their personal dementia risk profile and identifies room for lifestyle improvement.

Assistant Prof Kay Deckers

Maastricht University

Kay works as an Assistant Professor at the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience and the Alzheimer Center Limburg at Maastricht University.

He was initially trained as a neuropsychologist before becoming an epidemiologist. In his research, he investigates the effects of lifestyle factors on cognitive disorders, with most studies focusing on dementia. Additionally, he is very concerned with preventive strategies for a brain-healthy society (e.g. awareness campaign, development of a brain-health tool, implementation of dementia risk reduction in general practices).

Prof Sebastian Kohler

Maastricht University

Seb is an Associate Professor at the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience and senior researcher at the Alzheimer Center Limburg at Maastricht University.

He was trained in neuropsychology and epidemiology and leads the research line Neuroepidemiology, which specializes in risk and protective factors for cognitive decline and dementia in the general as well as clinical populations. Seb’s group developed the LIBRA modifiable dementia risk score and the MijnBreincoach app, which is used in public health campaigns on dementia prevention in the Netherlands.


Gilbert Knaggs

University of Sydney

Gilbert Knaggs, BA Hons, studied Sociology and Anthropology at The University of Sydney. In 2018, he joined the Aged Care Evaluation Research team, part of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, before transferring to the PCHSS in 2020. His projects currently include the HeartConnect study, a mixed-methods evaluation of a novel rapid cardiology clinic, and a review on the meaning of “sustainability” in healthcare literature.

Mr Knaggs is interested in the use of qualitative research methods in healthcare research and the sociology of ageing.

Jonathan Guion

Western Sydney University

Jonathan completed his B Psychology (Honours) degree in 2022 and joined the team to contribute to several dementia-related projects. With a background in gaming and psychology, Jonathan has experience in experimental design, data collection and analysis.

His passion for improving the lives of seniors drives his work.

Khaldoun Ismail

Western Sydney University

Khaldoun Ismail is a PhD candidate (final year) in nursing at the University of Wollongong. He holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (by research) in nursing.

With clinical experience in emergency nursing, in addition to published articles and extensive training in clinical and research methodologies, he is passionate about advancing healthcare by improving nurses’ well-being and patient safety.

Ms Laura Dodds

Western Sydney University

Ms Laura Dodds is a public health practitioner with a background working in aged care and disability sectors. She has previously worked with allied health professionals to deliver a range of programs to older adults living in residential aged care.

Ms Dodds is also undertaking a PhD in the areas of public health, disease prevention, intervention and health promotion. Her research focuses on implementing a behaviour change program Brain Bootcamp Frontiers that aims to increase dementia awareness and reduce dementia risk amongst rural and regional older adults.

Patrick Adam

Western Sydney University

Mr Adam is a PhD/MClinPsych student at Western Sydney University with a strong interest in clinical and developmental psychology. His professional goals are to be working in children’s clinical psychology and working in an academic role.

Samuel Dakey

Western Sydney University
PhD candidate, Marcs Institute for brain, behaviour and development

Samuel Dakey’s research endeavours benefit from his five years of experience in social work, community health, and healthy ageing research, which provide him with a unique perspective.

With experience in academia and community settings, Samuel has developed expertise in community engagement, research design, methodology, and data analysis.

His dedication to promoting healthy ageing is demonstrated through extensive collaboration with government and private sector organizations at community, national, and international levels, as showcased in his research articles and policy briefs.

Samuel is passionate about bridging the gap between lay and expert health knowledge to improve health outcomes for older adults and service by providers.

Shabnam Shafiq

University of Notre Dame

Ms Shabnam Shafiq is a second-year doctor of medicine student at the University of Notre Dame. She completed a Bachelor of Clinical Science from Macquarie University in 2021. She is deeply interested in medical research and is currently working on a project with MARCS that involves adapting Brain Bootcamp (Legacy) to support individuals with dementia.

In her free time, she enjoys writing, reading, and programming.

Siyao Cheng

Western Sydney University

Siyao is working with the team as a research assistant to co-design digital applications for Chinese seniors. At the same time, she is currently conducting her PhD research on how music notations can be understood theoretically and experimentally, hoping to improve and rethink existing music techniques.

Other members

Alysabit Alkhamees

Western Sydney University

Amrita Perera

MD, Macquarie University

Amy Nguyen

macquarie university

Andrew Georgiou


Anjani Meka

Macquarie University

Brittany Hames

Western Sydney University

Cheryl Saboune

Western Sydney University

Christopher Campbell

Western Sydney University

Connor Chandler

Western Sydney University

Elesha Gebran

MD, Macquarie University

Elizabeth Hope

Western Sydney University

Emily Anderson

Western Sydney University

Georgina Schnell

macquarie university

Hayoung Shin


Jaimie-Lee Xuereb

Western Sydney University

Joshua Yondjo

Western Sydney University

Kristina Smith

Western Sydney University

Lily Montague

Western Sydney University

Matthew Brown


Mia Simpson

MD, Macquarie University

Mikaela Jorgensen

Macquarie University

Mitchel Andrews

MD, Macquarie University

Nadia D’Souza


Nicaela Singh

Western Sydney University

Sayler Allen

Australian National University

Tanja Schroeder

PhD, Macquarie University

Tayla Chalhoub

Western Sydney University

Victoria Chong

Macquarie University

Victoria Frerer

Macquarie University

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