Enrolments open
100 spaces available
“Assessing quality of life accurately, and reporting the outcomes that matter is fundamental in improving the lives of Australians living in aged care,” says Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association Acting CEO Kylie Woolcock.
“This Evidence Brief looks at the viability of assessment tools used internationally and what this means for their application in the Australian setting.”
Our synthesis often contributes to policy recommendations, described in the below areas:
One woman's story of why being able to grow old in your own home matters.
“Seeing my survey results inspired me to do more for my brain health.
As well as exercising in the pool and walking, I’m going to use the cards and activities from the Brain Bootcamp program to get my mind working. I’m now eating much healthier food and I’ve already started losing weight, which is helping me mentally.
This program is a reminder each day of what I can do to help myself.”
“I have been motivated to change my lifestyle. I’m really enjoying going through all the activities and inclusions in the Brain Bootcamp box. It’s because of your caring and gentle approach to my brain health that I can confidently say I have been motivated to make some needed adjustments to my own daily health choices.
I only received it last week but it's already making a difference in my life.”
“I’m loving using the pedometer every day. My husband and I are enjoying the card challenges and I’m most excited about the pedometer – I didn’t realise how little I was moving on an average day! I’m now trying to increase my steps, day by day, challenging myself to beat the previous day’s total.
I’m also looking forward to the other activities in the box and how they will improve the health of my brain.”