Whether you are a student, an academic, part of a community or organisation, or just a curious mind, at the Brain Health Hub you have access to resources and opportunities that help people to live and age well.
Choose the path below that is most relevant to you.
“Seeing my survey results inspired me to do more for my brain health.
Using the cards and activities in the box has helped me get my mind working with pool exercises, walking, eating healthy, and I’ve already lost weight.
This program is a reminder each day of what I can do to help myself.”
“The idea of putting a patient into a safe, but kind of imitating real life situation to practically assess their levels of dementia – that's really novel.
I think this has really amazing future implications for diagnosis and assessment of dementia in a way that we currently cannot assess.”
“I found it informative.
I also thought it was good that it breaks the silence.
In my age group, we all start wondering about ourselves.”
“I really liked how it was presented and the colours.
The information was very useful as a family member is going through dementia.
I can use most of the information that I have learned in my daily life.”
“It alerted me to stuff I needed to do to improve or maintain my brain health.
I'm inspired to look up different recipes.
It suggested to me that I needed to exercise much more.
So, I bought a dog! When she is old enough, we will be going for long walks.”
“I like your game and I like the pictures.
I also like the food and it looks very nice.
It brings me back to my childhood days when you make believe.”
“It feels very kinetic and informal.
This makes it feel accessible and doesn’t appear to be targeting a specific age or demographic.
It’s organised into conceptual groups that make it easier to digest.”
Click or tap the button below to browse our available projects and how each one can help to improve specific areas of brain function or lifestyle wellness.
Found a project that’s right for you? Follow the instructions within that project page to enrol in the experience.
Each project will guide you through activities to stimulate and engage your brain with accompanying tests to assess your progress and see how you’ve improved.
Most people don’t know that you have the power to affect how you age and that diseases, such as dementia, can be prevented. While it is always best to start learning earlier (with our early childhood project), it’s never too late to start improving your brain health (see our seniors’ campaign).
At Brain Health Hub, our goal is to promote brain health through cutting-edge research, education, and community outreach programs.
A novel public health approach that uses a fun and engaging visual communication to improve the general public’s attitudes towards dementia risk reduction and awareness of dementia risk factors.
Our Re-Imagine display encourages viewers to engage with the interactive display and activities to see what the experienced effect is on one’s motivation toward better brain health.
At the end of the study, you will have a chance to win $100.